Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Double Digit Week

So before my birthday I had lost 10 lbs.  After my birthday festivities last weekend, I gained back two pounds.  :(  So sad.  However, this week is my DOUBLE DIGIT WEEK.  So I am working hard to lose a BIG number, Biggest Loser style. It feels like this is taking me forever to lose weight, but I continue to plug along.  I did find the above motivating picture.  This isnt just a picture of someone who lost a lot of weight.  This is a picture of someone who has been in my shoes and succeeded.  YEAH!!!!


  1. I am so proud of you Kailee!! You are going to do awesome and I can't wait to hear about all of your successes!!

    1. Thanks. I saw your Mexico pictures and you look wonderful. :)

  2. YAY for double digit week. YOU CAN DO IT!!!! I'm your cheerleader. Thanks for the update!
